dijous, 26 d’abril del 2012


Minecraft is an adventure game. There are 3 differents types of games:
Survival-Extreme survival-Creative
Minecraft is a cube game, evrything has a cube shape.
- Survival: In this type you are a man and you have to look for food, primary materials and dig to find minerals.
In this type you can die falling down or by a zombie attack but when you are dead you come to live at the checkpoint.
- Extreme survival: In this type you have to do the same as in the survival but when you die the game finishes.
- Creative: In this type you are like a god. You are unbeatable and immortal.
You have all the materials, objects and tools. You can destroy all the types of cubes.
Sergi: This game is fantastic because you are free to create anything and the primary instint of survival is released.
Guillem: Minecraft is a creative game to spend your time and to forget about your studies.

look at this city of minecraft constucted in 3 days and with 60 persons!!!

Sergi Baldi and Guillem Mallada

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